Student Life
Our variety of clubs and activities allow every student to showcase their talent and make friends that share their same interests!
School Dances
Mercy hosts two dances during the school year that take place on Friday nights for students over the age of 12, alumni and former students. At the end of the year we host a “Senior Send Off” for our graduating students.. Mercy staff and volunteers chaperone this special dance, so we encourage families to enjoy a night to themselves while our attendees dance the night away. Our students look forward to coming together and making beautiful memories.
Magical Movement Dance
Led by Mercy teacher Vickie McHale, Magical Movement Dance classes are held daily after school. Miss Vickie stresses “movement,” offering ballet, tap and jazz as she helps students (in both group and private instruction) to become aware of their body through movement. Participation in Magical Movement Dance is voluntary and there is a fee to join, but dancers are expected to commit to year-round involvement. Dancers perform at the annual Dinner Gala, in-school events as requested, and the year-end Dance Recital. The students adore being on stage and performing for their audiences!
Best Friends Forever
This after-school program matches Mercy students with buddies from Allentown Central Catholic High School that leads to immediate friendships that often last beyond graduation. BFFs meet monthly for a variety of fun games and activities; Mercy and ACCHS students take turns each month going to their buddies’ school for the activities. Some of the planned events and activities that our BFFs have enjoyed include: bowling, karaoke, volleyball, a Christmas party with craft activities, and more. There is no cost for this program.
Tone Chime Choir
The Tone Chime Choir is comprised of Mercy students who, under the guidance of liturgical music instructor Sue Kaczmarek, perform as requested by community groups and for school activities. Students practice weekly during the school day, and some students play more than one chime for any given musical number. The choir plays tone chimes similar to hand bells, matching the tone of their chimes to the notes on a musical score. There is no cost for students to participate in our Tone Chime Choir, which in recent years has performed for the following groups/events:
Council for Exceptional Children of Kutztown University
Hi Neighbors
Mercy’s Appreciation Luncheon
School Masses
Mercy’s Annual Christmas Show
Service Groups
If you are interested in having the Tone Chime Choir perform at your special function, please contact Sue Kaczmarek at 610-797-8242.
Student Performances
Mercy students love working with Miss Vickie McHale to create and put on plays throughout the course of the year. Every student involved has a role to learn and perform. Our two biggest shows are the Living Stations around Easter, and the Christmas Show in December.
The Christmas Show is our most anticipated event of the school year. This annual performance is our gift to the Mercy community as a thank you for everything people do for our school and our students. The Christmas Show, which is held in our auditorium and is free for all attendees, is typically held on the Thursday and Friday during the second week of December. (The Thursday show is open to schools and Mercy donors, while the Friday show is open to family members of Mercy students, children in Pre-K and adults in the Adult Program.) Each year, Miss Vickie, our teacher in Room 7, creates the theme and the story for the show, which always culminates with the reason for the Christmas season; the gift of the Baby Jesus. Production begins over Thanksgiving break with the help of many volunteers, and the students then start rehearsals after the break and right up to the first show.
Living Stations: At Mercy, the Easter season gives all of us time to remember Jesus’ crucifixion and celebrate His resurrection.
The students and Pre-K students do more than just remember: They help bring in this holy season by performing a Living Stations
of the Cross. Students take on all the key roles and re-enact each step of Jesus’ road to Calvary up through His rising from
the dead. The Mercy family is invited to come and celebrate Living Stations with us.
Graduation and Ring Mass
No year would be complete without an opportunity to congratulate our graduates for their hard work throughout their time at Mercy. Students at Mercy graduate when they are 21-years-old (or 18 under special circumstances), and they begin their final year with a Ring Mass that typically is held on Mercy Day (the day celebrating the Sisters of Mercy who founded Mercy) in our auditorium. This Mass is said by priests or pastors from the graduates’ home parish (if the student is Catholic), and the graduates-to-be each receive their class ring. After the ceremony, the entire Mercy family approaches each graduate-to-be and congratulates the person by turning the graduate’s ring one revolution. In early June, the graduates don their red caps and gowns for a graduation ceremony that takes place during the day. Our Principal says something about their students’ achievements before awarding them with a Certificate of Achievement. The event concludes with cake for the graduates, their family members in attendance and the entire Mercy Student body.