Programs Overview
Preschool Program
Our comprehensive program provides high-quality early intervention and academic skills to children ages 3 ½ to 5 years old. The approach focuses on enhancing the skills of children with developmental disabilities and preparing them to move forward into our School-Age Program or to their next educational setting. Early intervention speech and occupational therapies are available.
Family involvement is critical to the success of the children in our Preschool Program. Families are expected to attend parent / teacher meetings twice a year and communicate regularly with the preschool teacher. We work together as a team to help our students grow.
Financial aid is available to qualifying families.
We offer full-day and half-day programs.
For more information, please reach out to the school at (610)-797-8242 or email lstanley@mercyschool.org.
School-Age Program
Our School-Age Program offers a rich education in academics and life skills within a Christ-centered environment and is designed for students (aged 5 to 21) who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Students are placed into classrooms by age and ability rather than by grade levels to best meet their individual needs. Each student receives an Individual Education Plan created in conjunction with input from parents.
Mercy uses small class sizes to provide one-to-one and small group instruction. We use a variety of educational techniques to meet the various learning styles of our students. Mercy also provides speech therapy services directly from our in-house therapist as well as occupational and physical therapy through our local intermediate unit.
In addition to our academic and life skills programs, Mercy also offers:
Monthly mass
Sacramental preparation for students of the Catholic faith
Job Training Program
Adapted Physical Education
Opportunities to swim at the Rodale Aquatic Center
Monthly trips to the Parkettes Gymnastic Center
Tone Chime Choir
Magical Movement Dancers – After school dance program
If you would like to be considered for admission to Mercy School For Special Learning’s School Age program,
please call the school at (610)-797-8242 or email bgrys@mercyschool.org.